Preliminary Investigation of Criminal Case Initiated Against Head of Staff of Bankruptcy Court of RA and Sent It to Court
NSS reports
During the preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated and investigated by the Investigation Department of the National Security Service of RA, a body of sufficient evidence was obtained that the Head of the Staff of the Bankruptcy Court of RA, during 2019-2020, for mercenary motives, using his official position, issued orders on the appointment of 5 people to the positions of a stoker, computer operator, electrician, service person, courier in the staff of the Bankruptcy Court of RA, and being accurately aware of the circumstances of their failure to show up for work and to fulfill their official duties, prepared, approved and certified with his signature bulletins on the calculation of working hours, on the salaries accrued and paid to the employees of the staff, orders on one-time remuneration, which are official legal documents. Then, having put into circulation documents with false content, he presented them for payment, as a result of which, from the state budget, especially large amounts of 7.348.576 AMD were unjustifiably written out in their names for the days not worked. Moreover, the bank cards for paying the salaries of G. Zh. and V. V. were actually at the disposal of the Head of the Staff, and he personally cashed the 3.638.425 AMD transferred in their names from various ATMs and spent them on his personal needs, the remaining amount of 3.710.151 AMD was transferred to the disposal of K. G., E. M. and A. K.
For committing the described act, on July 29, 2020, the Head of the Staff of the Bankruptcy Court of RA was brought in as an accused, and on the same day he was charged under Article 179, Part 3, Clause 1 and Article 314, Part 1of the Criminal Code of RA.
In the brought charges, the Head of the Staff of the Bankruptcy Court of the Republic of Armenia fully admitted his guilt and gave a confession, also fully compensating for the damage caused to the state.
At the same time, with the consent of the prosecutor conducting the proceedings, the body conducting the proceedings made a decision to temporarily suspend the defendant's tenure as the Head of Staff of the Bankruptcy Court of the Republic of Armenia.
During the preliminary investigation, a petition was sent to the head of the Judicial Department of RA with a proposal to eliminate similar violations in the staff of the Bankruptcy Court of RA, to find out their causes and apply disciplinary measures to the persons who committed the violations.
On September 14, 2020, the criminal case with the indictment was sent to the prosecutor exercising procedural guidance of the preliminary investigation for approval of the indictment and sending the case to the court for consideration on the merits.
Note: the suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his/her guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.