Preliminary Investigation into Criminal Case Involving Systemic Corruption Committed by Officials of Food Safety Inspectorate Completed in National Security Service
NSS reports
As a result of a comprehensive and effective investigation conducted by the Investigation Department of the National Security Service of RA, sufficient factual data were obtained that A. M., holding the position of the head of the Shirak regional center of the State Service for Food Safety of the Ministry of Agriculture of RA, then renamed the Food Safety Inspectorate in 2018, with the prior consent of six chief inspector specialists working under his command, with a single intent, abused his official position, causing serious damage to the interests of the state.
They showed apparent illegal inaction in favor of a number of entrepreneurs who had violated the requirements established by the RA legislation in the field of food safety, operating in the administrative territory of the Shirak province, namely: for the fact that in the period from October 2017 to February 19, 2019, the violations committed were not registered, as well as for the fact that inspections were not carried out in a number of companies in the manner prescribed by law, both personally and through other persons, they demanded a bribe in an especially large amount of 1.202.592 (one million two hundred and two thousand five hundred and ninety-two) AMD from business entities operating in the territory of the province and the acting director of kindergarten No. 4 in Artik. Then, after the auction, they received bribes in especially large amounts, a total of 1.132.592 (one million one hundred and thirty-two thousand five hundred and ninety-two) AMD.
For committing the described act, in the context of a combination of sufficient evidence obtained during the preliminary investigation, criminal prosecutions have been initiated by the body conducting the proceedings against the head of the Shirak regional center of the food safety inspection body, 6 chief specialist-inspectors of the same center, as well as 14 business entities on charges of demanding and receiving bribes in particularly large amounts, abusing official powers, and giving bribes to officials in various amounts.
It should be noted that during the preliminary investigation, as a result of a search conducted in the apartment of the head of the Shirak regional center of the food safety inspection body, 9.100 USD and 100 EUR were found and seized, which were seized by the decision of the preliminary investigation body to secure a civil claim, possible confiscation of property, penalty and recovery of legal costs.
Given the existence of the relevant legal conditions, with the consent of the prosecutor exercising procedural guidance, the body conducting the proceedings made a decision to temporarily terminate the official powers of the accused.
On September 16, 2020, the criminal case with the indictment against the 21 mentioned persons was sent to the prosecutor exercising procedural guidance of the preliminary investigation for approval of the indictment and referral of the case to the court for consideration on the merits.
Note: the suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his/her guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.