As a result of comprehensive and effective operative-search measures undertaken by the National Security Service of RA, factual data were obtained regarding the fact that N.S., the father of the mobilized serviceman A.S., by persuasion or otherwise induced employees of a commercial organization, the head of the laboratory of a medical center and a laboratory assistant of the same laboratory, so that they, contrary to the interests of the organization, used their powers in favor of the mobilized serviceman.
In particular, the latter, in violation of the requirements of the Order of the Minister of Health of RA No. 2051-A dated June 30, 2020 “On (temporary) approval of the procedure for the management of patients with coronavirus disease (covid-19) and repealing the Order of the Minister of Health No. 1090-A dated March 25, 2020”, on October 22, 2020, prepared false documents in the name of the mobilized serviceman stating that they had conducted a sample collection, while no sample was actually obtained from the latter, and a sample from another person with the actual "covid-19" disease was sent for laboratory examination for appropriate examination, as a result of which, on October 23, 2020, a false conclusion was prepared and circulated in the name of the mobilized serviceman stating that the latter was allegedly diagnosed with "covid-19" disease, which circumstance enabled the mobilized serviceman to illegally temporarily suspend military service or the performance of certain duties under martial law.
In connection with the incident, a criminal case was initiated in the Investigation Department of the RA NSS under the relevant articles, within the framework of which both the mobilized serviceman and employees of the medical center who assisted in the crime were detained on suspicion of temporary termination of military service or performance of certain duties by a serviceman by simulating illness under martial law, as well as in assisting the mentioned apparent crime, drawing up and using forged legal documents.
The necessary investigative and other procedural actions are being taken to identify similar criminal acts by employees of the same medical center and the entire circle of persons involved in the corruption mechanism.
The National Security Service urges the fulfillment of the sacred mission of protecting the Motherland with all devotion, to demonstrate a conscious sense of military duty, to refrain from unacceptable behavior associated with various tricks, including evasion of military service duties or to facilitate this by simulating illness. At the same time, the National Security Service strictly warns that within the framework of its powers, it will consistently take the necessary measures arising from the situation to exclude, under martial law, such abuses by employees of medical organizations when diagnosing diseases, identifying individuals who have a negative impact on the cohesion of military personnel, their combat training, military discipline or combat readiness of the army, and applying appropriate criminal-legal measures to them. The National Security Service also reminds that the described criminal act belongs to the category of serious crimes, for which imprisonment for a term of five to ten years is provided as a punishment.
Note: the suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.