NSS reports
As a result of large-scale operative-search and complex criminal-procedural measures taken by the employees of the Department of Military Counterintelligence and the Investigation Department of the RA NSS, it was established that the RA citizen, who was a military man, an officer by rank, was recruited by foreign special services, gave his written consent in connection with this, received the corresponding pseudonym, undertaking, on the instructions of the special services, to collect, transfer to them information constituting state or official secrets, after which, on the instructions of foreign special services, he collected and transferred to the latter, for a reward of 1,400 USD, the installation data, cell phone numbers of fellow students, who graduated from the military academy abroad, the command staff of the military unit N of the service in which he served, the leadership of the rocket and artillery department, the officers who went to the exhibition “Expo-military equipment”, having also provided the staffing list of the servicemen of the military unit N of their division N, as well as information on the number of missile systems in the same military unit, the loss of military equipment during the 44-day war unleashed on 27 September, 2020, the locations of missile and artillery systems, the places of military trainings, the military equipment used, senior officers who participated in military trainings.
In addition, the same serviceman, during the 44-day war, while holding the position of deputy commander of the battery of missile systems N, while performing a combat mission, did not inflict effective and targeted defeats, for a long time did not take measures in the direction of disguising the missile launcher, as a result of which the military equipment was taken by the enemy at gunpoint and hit by means of an unmanned aerial vehicle, which led to the irretrievable loss of military equipment.
At the same time, it was established that after the end of the war, the mentioned serviceman continued the cooperation with the representatives of foreign intelligence services, during which he also provided data on the number and type of imported weapons and military equipment for a fee.
It was also established that the same serviceman, having an appropriate degree of access to classified information, for a fee of 8,000 USD, for the purpose of transferring, collected battle cards with a secret stamp of military unit N, however, was discovered by the RA NSS RA, failing to complete his criminal activity.
On 20April, 2022, the mentioned serviceman, based on direct suspicion of committing high treason, was detained and gave confessionary statements.
The RA National Security Service, using all available tools, continues to carry out a consistent and uncompromising fight in the direction of preventing and disrupting the mentioned crimes that undermine the foundations of the state, assuring that the Service is fully in control of the operative situation and reassures that everyone involved in espionage activities will be detected and subjected to punishment or other criminal legal action.
Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.
Address: Yerevan, 0001, 104 Nalbandian Street
Tel.: +37410 563515
Send requests for information to ta@sns.am
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