NSS reports
As a result of complex operative-search activities and procedural actions carried out by officers of the Main Directorate of Investigation and the Main Directorate of Protection of Constitutional Order and Fight against Terrorism of the RA National Security Service, a case of preparation for a terrorist act as part of a group by prior agreement was detected.
Thus, as a result of evidentiary and other procedural actions carried out during the preliminary investigation, it was established that A.M. by prior agreement with S.M., E.Ts., V.O., K.S. and with other persons whose identity has not yet been established by the investigation, as part of a group, by acquiring tools and means, adapting them or deliberately creating other conditions, during 2023 were preparing to commit an explosion and other socially dangerous act, as well as to seize and hold buildings of state importance in the RA and other buildings, fraught with the danger of depriving the life of a civilian, causing property damage, presumably on a large scale, and causing other grave consequences, the purpose of which was to disorganize the activities of public authorities, but due to circumstances beyond their control they were unable to begin committing the objective side of the crime, covering the intent, since the crime was solved by the RA National Security Service.
Based on sufficient factual data obtained within the framework of criminal proceedings, public criminal prosecutions were initiated against 5 members of the criminal group under the relevant article of the RA Criminal Code and charges were brought. In relation to the latter, detention was applied as a measure of restraint.
At the same time, searches were carried out at residential addresses and in adjacent buildings, individual gathering places of members of the criminal group, as a result of which firearms, ammunition, one signal explosive device, one double-charged launcher for signal flares, one aircraft and attached presumably for the latter, two large and small gas cylinders with a pressure gauge, two piercing instruments with a wooden handle, a container full of ammunition fragments, a bulletproof vest, military uniforms, a guidance device, handcuffs, telecommunication devices, video surveillance devices, computers, mobile phones, electronic media, about a dozen unused SIM cards of communication operators of the RA and the RF in closed boxes, a solar battery, notebooks containing various records, documents containing records with explicit and hidden content about the implementation of preparatory actions for committing a terrorist attack, etc.
After studying the records and other materials discovered as a result of the searches, it was established that the terrorist operation being prepared was called “Northern Leaf Fall”, for the successful implementation of which, and then with the intention of involving the wider masses in terrorist actions, it was planned in advance to create Ukrainian, Moldovan telegram channels called “National Salvation Uprising”, activate telegram channels and activists the day before the start of terrorist activities, starting at night.
For the successful implementation of criminal activities, it was planned to purchase first aid supplies in advance, as well as take family members of the criminal group to Georgia. To capture buildings, the actions of attack, retreat and ambush were carefully planned, it was planned to leave pre-designed symbols at the attack sites, the location of static objects was predetermined, as well as the sequence, the procedure for carrying out other actions in order to bring the criminal act to an end, the distribution of leaflets in order to involve persons and other actions.
The preliminary investigation continues, procedural actions and operative-search measures are being carried out to clarify all the circumstances of the case and the full range of persons involved in the criminal group and to apply criminal legal measures of influence against them.
At the same time, it is reported that the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia will conduct a consistent fight to prevent, disrupt and solve crimes against the foundations of the constitutional order and security of the state, calling on broad sections of society to demonstrate exclusively law-abiding behavior.
Note: anyone charged with a crime is considered innocent as long as his/her guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.
Address: Yerevan, 0001, 104 Nalbandian Street
Tel.: +37410 563515
Send requests for information to ta@sns.am
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