Address: 104 Nalbandyan St., 0001, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Telephone: +374 10 56 35 15 (front service)
Official responsible for ensuring the freedom of information of the National Security Service of RA, Head of NSS Director's Staff, RA Honored Lawyer, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Lieutenant Colonel Vahe Gurgen Yengibaryan
Tel.: +37410 548100
Press Center of the NSS of RA
Tel.: +37415 539760
Head of the Department of Personnel of the NSS of RA Colonel Armen Gagik Gevorgyan
Tel.: +374 10 580082
According to Article 46.1 of the Law "On Public Service"
in the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia Artur Nelson Atayan is responsible for anti-corruption programs
Tel.: +374 15 543667
in the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia Artur Vazgen Hakobyan is an alternate of the person responsible for anti-corruption programs
Tel.: +374 15 579961
In the RA National Security Service the provision of information is carried out under the decision of the RA Government of 15.10.2015 N 1204-N on ''Establishing the order for registration, classification and storing of the information processed by the owner of the information or of the information delivered to him, as well as for provision of information or its duplicate (copy) by bodies of State and local self- government, State institutions and organizations''. At the same time, according to the abovementioned decision, there is a possibility to send official electronic requests in the “Online Request” section of the official website of the National Security Service of RA. Requests must have electronic digital signature, provided for by the RA Law “On electronic document and electronic digital signature”.
Requests can also be sent via the Unified Portal for Online Requests at
The procedure for oral request is established by the RA Law “On Freedom of Information” according to Article 9, Part 5 of which:
The answer to the oral request is given if:
- the provision of the required information can prevent the dangers posing threat to the state, public security, public order, public health and morals, the rights and freedoms of others, the environment, and property of persons.
- it is necessary to verify the fact that the owner of the given information has the relevant information.
- it is necessary to clarify the procedure for discussing written requests by the owner of the given information.
Organization’s or person’s name
Name and surname of the official providing information
Requestor’s name and surname
citizenship, address of residence, work or educational institution
(for legal entities: name and legal address)
Dear Mr./Ms...................,
In accordance with Articles 42 and 51 of RA Constitution and Article 6 of RA Law “On Freedom of Information”, I ask you to provide information on __________________ (specify the information needed as precisely as possible).
According to Article 9 of RA Law “On Freedom of Information” a response to a written information request from citizens is given within 5 days after its receipt, except for information requiring additional work (within 30 days). Thus, I request to reply to my information request in the manner and terms prescribed by the law.
In case of refusal to provide information, I ask you to inform me about the grounds of refusal in written form (Article 11) and, if possible, provide the address of a state body or official to whom I may send the request.
(I am ready to cover the costs of copying information).
Thank you in advance
Name, Surname, Signature
For the information of representatives of foreign mass media who apply for permission to enter the borderline of the state border of the Republic of Armenia, we inform that in addition to obtaining accreditation from the RA MFA, in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Decree of the RA Government No. 735-N dated May 12, 2011, it is also necessary to apply for permission from the RA NSS. An application submitted for the purpose of entry (exit) into the borderline is considered and a response is given within 30 days.
Address: Yerevan, 0001, 104 Nalbandian Street
Tel.: +37410 563515
Send requests for information to
National Security Service of RA / 2025 © Copyright