The Scientific-Educational Center of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia was formed in 2003 on the basis of the Higher Courses conducted since 1993. At present, the center is a modern scientific-educational institution for training personnel for the national security bodies of the Republic of Armenia, where the officers and non-commissioned officers serving in the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia take their study.
The Scientific-Educational Center is actively involved in the development of legislative and other normative acts, as well as the conceptions related to the basic directions and areas of national security of the Republic of Armenia. Theoretical and experimental knowledge is constantly provided in the intelligence, counter-intelligence, economic, as well as in counteracting information security, international terrorism, drug trafficking, transnational organized crime, and other urgent directions.
Trainings at the Center is carried out with the use of modern educational technologies. The lectures are accompanied by videos, schematic and graphic slides. At the same time, vocational thematic and educational films presenting the methodology and specific features of the operative-intelligence activities are being shot and presented during the classes. The educational and thematic classrooms are equipped with appropriate technical devices.
In addition to vocational subjects, the English and Russian languages are also taught. Great attention is paid to extracurricular activities aimed at increasing the general level of development of the audience. Distinguished specialists in various fields are also invited to deliver lectures.
An open fund library and a reading hall, which are constantly replenished with new literature, are at the disposal of the audience.
The new structure of the Scientific-Educational Center was approved in September 2018, which provides a wider opportunity to attract specialists for lectures both from high-qualified and retired employees of the RA NSS and from different educational institutions of the country.
One of the important directions of the Scientific Educational Center activities is the training of scientific and pedagogical staff. As a result, on the basis of targeted applications, many promising young employees have been admitted to postgraduate courses of RA NAS institutions and RA state universities, have successfully defended their dissertations and have been awarded scientific degrees. In order to modernize the educational process and to make it more effective, a modular system of knowledge testing and assessment is used.
The cooperation with the leading scientific-educational institutions of the republic is aimed at deepening scientific research potential and improving the vocational knowledge of the employees in the field of national security.
In February, 2021 a memorandum was signed between the Faculty of Law of Yerevan State University and the Scientific-Educational Center of the RA NSS, providing a legal basis for multilateral cooperation in the field of law between these two institutions. In February, 2021 a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the RA NSS Scientific-Educational Center and the RA Police Educational Complex, the main purpose of which is to define the directions of cooperation between the two institutions, as well as to regulate the planned joint events.
The scientific-educational experience of the Scientific-Educational Center and the Educational Complex accumulated over the years and combined will have essential significance for the activities of these two institutions, in search of new solutions to fight certain types of crime, and for modernization of legislation regulating these spheres.
In May of the same year, a memorandum was signed between the Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS of the Republic of Armenia and the Scientific-Educational Center.
It is intended to involve the researchers of the Institute of Oriental Studies in the lectures on separate topics within the subjects taught at the Scientific-Educational Center, and to engage the staff of the Center in the organizational work in applying as a scientific degree applicant for postgraduate and doctoral admissions at the Institute.
One of the activities of the Scientific-Educational Center is the study of the history of the Armenian security bodies. For this purpose an important impetus was the opening of Museum of the History of the Armenian Security Bodies in 2006, on the initiative of the leadership of the RA NSS. The Museum is visited by the staff of the Service, as well as by many guests from the Republic and abroad.
Address: Yerevan, 0001, 104 Nalbandian Street
Tel.: +37410 563515
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